Using Smartphone Apps to Power Clinical Research

Interview with Dr. Anthony Sterns, CEO of iRx Reminder

Picure this. Your mom was just approved for admission into a clinical trial for a new drug for blood pressure. But your mom is sort of forgetful and not very organized. Will she remember to take her pills on time? Will she know how to answer the survey questions for the trial? You want her to take part in the study, but will she be able to meet the necessary guidelines?

In this interview with Dr. Anthony Sterns, we learn about the solution that iRx Reminder has developed for this problem. iRx Reminder is a complete smartphone–based clinical trial data management system for clinical research centers. The application supports customizable surveys, medication reminding, podcast–style education modules, and study activity tracking in real time.

Interview Highlights with Dr. Anthony Sterns

  • How big of an issue is patient compliance in clinical trials?
  • Is it difficult to get older patients to use smartphones?
  • Two major keys in effectively training older patients to use smartphones.
  • The future of patient involvement in clincial trials.
Dr. Anthony Sterns
CEO of iRx Reminder

Dr. Anthony Sterns is the CEO of iRx Reminder, developer of a smartphone-based clinical trial management system (in partnership with Cogneato, Inc. and Summa Health System).  Dr. Sterns is also Vice President of Research at family-owned, for-profit Creative Action, LLC. He also is a visiting Associate Professor at Kent State University.

Dr. Sterns received his undergraduate degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan as well as his PhD in the field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron.

Check out iRx Reminder and connect with Dr. Sterns on LinkedIn.

Download a copy of the interview transcript right here.

Picure this. Your mom was just approved for admission into a clinical trial for a new drug for blood pressure. But your mom is sort of forgetful and not very organized. Will she remember to take her pills on time? Will she know how to answer the survey questions for the trial? You want her to take part in the study, but will she be able to meet the necessary guidelines?

In this interview with Dr. Anthony Sterns, we learn about the solution that iRx Reminder has developed for this problem. iRx Reminder is a complete smartphone–based clinical trial data management system for clinical research centers. The application supports customizable surveys, medication reminding, podcast–style education modules, and study activity tracking in real time.

Interview Highlights with Dr. Anthony Sterns

  • How big of an issue is patient compliance in clinical trials?
  • Is it difficult to get older patients to use smartphones?
  • Two major keys in effectively training older patients to use smartphones.
  • The future of patient involvement in clincial trials.
Dr. Anthony Sterns
CEO of iRx Reminder

Dr. Anthony Sterns is the CEO of iRx Reminder, developer of a smartphone-based clinical trial management system (in partnership with Cogneato, Inc. and Summa Health System).  Dr. Sterns is also Vice President of Research at family-owned, for-profit Creative Action, LLC. He also is a visiting Associate Professor at Kent State University.

Dr. Sterns received his undergraduate degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan as well as his PhD in the field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron.

Check out iRx Reminder and connect with Dr. Sterns on LinkedIn.

Download a copy of the interview transcript right here.

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